While I'm moving around a space

Smart Camera is a revolutionary camera framing technology that uses artificial intelligence to automatically center the video frame, smoothly following presenters who want to stand back from the camera or move around while speaking - similar to having your own, personal AI-based camera crew. 


Decision Tree
I want to enable Smart Camera....
  • From the Video Stream
  • From the Settings Menu
  • Add Button

Hover over the video stream and select the No Smart Camera icon, which looks like a person with a slash over it. 

Video Settings, as they appear in a Panopto video stream that's been hovered over. On it, the No Smart Camera icon appears (a person with a slash through them) is highlighted by a red box.

To enable Smart Camera for one person, click this icon until it appears as a single person:  


To enable Smart Camera for multiple presenters, click the icon until it appears with multiple people: 

Video Settings, as they appear in a Panopto video stream that's been hovered over. On it, the Smart Camera icon displays 3 people, indicating that it is enabled for a group, and is highlighted by a red box.

Open the Settings menu 


Underneath the "Smart Camera" section, there are two options where you can have Smart Camera track 1 person or a Group by selecting the corresponding button. Note: This feature requires a high-resolution camera as well as high-performance computer for best results. Select "Off" to disable Smart Camera.

